D型共聚焦拉曼光譜儀 |
Key Features主要特點 |
- Optimized optical design for confocal concept
- 先進的共聚焦設計
- Smallest spot size in the market
- 外形小巧
- Most compact patent pending spectrometer with highest resolution
- 高分辨率
- One design fits multiple microscopes
- 可兼容多種顯微鏡
- One design fits multiple laser wavelengths
- 可兼容多種波長激光器
Laser激光器 |
- Cleanlaze™ 及技術
- 532nm 或者785nm
Detector檢測器 |
Spectral Range光譜范圍 |
- 100-2550cm-1 或者 100-3100cm-1 (785nm laser)
- 100-3050cm-1 (532nm laser)
Spectral Resolution光譜儀分辨率 |
- 3.5cm-1 or 4.5cm-1
- 3.8cm-1
Dimensions外形尺寸 |
Weight重量 |
Software操作平臺 |
- 光譜分析軟件
- GRAMS/AI interface
- Multiple data format
- Easy data transfer
Applications使用領域 |
- Bio-Science Research 生化研究
- Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis 制藥
- Polymorph Analysis 同分異構體研究
- Medical Diagnosis 醫療診斷
- Polymer Development 聚合物研究
- Paint & Pigment identification 涂料及痕跡研究
- Material Science Research 材料科學
- SERS 拉曼表面增強技術
- Surface Contamination Analysis 表面殘留
- Pollution Analysis 污染物研究
- Semiconductor Defect/Stress Analysis 半導體研究
- Solar Cell Analysis 太陽能電池研究