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產品詳細介紹產品名稱 高能生物離子高血壓·腦中風治療儀 Product Name High-energy bio-ion instrument for hypertension & stroke disease 產品結構 主Product Structure Host Output line Two Physical probes 機、輸出線、物理探頭2組作用機理 高能生物離子高血壓&腦中風治療儀運用生物電生理及生物組織電導基本均衡的原理,在作用于人體時,生物離子波轉換為生物電離子,將病變組織(神經、血管、肌肉)紊亂的電荷(電離子)重新整合,使其恢復正常功能。特別是其高科技的技術不僅突破了傳統物理治療因子難于深入滲透人體臟器組織的難關,而且結合中醫經絡原理,把針灸法與生物電離子的效應有機的溶為一體,取得良好的生理治療效應,從而達到以下治療目的: Mechanism of action According to the conductance fundamental equilibrium principle of biological electrophysiological and biological tissue ,High-energy bio-ion instrument for coronary artery disease convert biological ion wave to bio-electric ion and re-integrate the disordered charge for diseased tissue( nerves, bloods, muscles) to restore their normal function when it effects on human body. Especially its high technology not only broke through the difficulties that traditional physical therapy factor is hard to penetrate deeply into human organs and tissues, but also according to the principle of TCM meridian, combined the therapy of acupuncture and moxibustion with the effect of biological ionizing to get excellent physiological and therapeutic effects, and achieve its effect: 1. 恢復血管節律性舒縮,緩解管壁纖維化,改善血管狹窄狀態,使血管軟化,血壓降低。 2. 改善微循環,使得微血管開放,增加顱腦病變區域血供,改善腦組織的缺血損傷。 3. 使神經細胞的膜內外電荷運動增加,改善神經炎癥水腫,使神經元細胞活性增強,神經功能復活。 4. 使肌肉被動節律性收縮,新陳代謝加快,減少乳酸的刺激作用,改善和提高肌力,有利肢體功能康復。 a.Restore the vasomotion in resistance vessel, relieve wall fibrosis, change the status of vascular stenosis, make the vascular softened and reduce blood pressure. b.Improve microcirculation to open microvascular, increasing brain lesion area's blood provide, improving the ischemic injury of the brain tissue.. c.Increase electric charges motion of nerve cells membrane (inside and outside);improve nerve inflammation edema, enhance the activity of neuronal cell and resurrect nerve function. d. Make the muscles passive rhythmic contractions, speed up metabolism, reduce lactic acide stimulation,improve muscle strength and make limb function rehabilitation. 療效特點 1. 短期治療甚至首次治療就可以明顯改善高血壓導致的頭暈、頭痛、失眠、神經衰弱等主要癥狀并可使腦血栓、腦梗塞等腦供血不足者頭腦清醒,記憶力增強,手腳麻木癥狀改善或消失。 2. 長期治療可以保持血壓穩定,并可逐步減少降壓藥用量,直至完全不用降壓藥。可以使腦中風偏癱逐步恢復肢體功能。 3. 單純物理方式治療,安全,無毒副作用。 Clinical characteristics a. Short-term treatment even the first treatment will significantly improve main symptoms that caused by hypertension disease(such as dizziness, headache, insomnia and neurasthenia). It also make the patients with cerebral thrombosis and cerebral infarction keep clear mind ,also enhance their memory and improve the symptoms of numbness symptoms. b. Long-term treatment will keep blood pressure stable and gradually reduce antihypertensive medical amount until completely without using any antihypertensive drugs. Besides that, it will make the patients with stroke hemiplegic gradually recover the limb function. c. Simply physical treatment, safety, no toxic side effect. 適應癥 1. 高血壓、腦動脈硬化、腦供血不足、頭暈、頭痛、失眠、神經衰弱。 2. 腦力過渡疲勞、腦功能衰退、頭悶、頭漲、記憶力減退等。 3. 腦血栓、腦栓塞、腔隙性腦梗塞、等缺血性腦病。 4. 高血壓、腦血管病所致的中風后遺癥、如失語、肢體功能障礙等。 Adaptation disease a.Hypertension, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral insufficiency, dizziness, headache, insomnia, neurasthenia. b.Mental transition fatigue, brain function decline, headache, memory loss , and so on. c.Cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, lacunar infarction and ischemic encephalopathy. d.The sequela of apoplexy caused by hypertension and vascular disease, such as aphasia, limb dysfunction 禁忌癥: 1. 惡性腫瘤,骨質畸形,內出血,青光眼等重大疾病患者。 2. 精神病患者。 3. 妊娠或哺乳期婦女。 4.小兒及病危者。 Exclusion criteria a.Patients with malignant tumors, bone deformities, internal bleeding, glaucoma and other serious diseases. b.Psychiatric patients c.Pregnant or lactating women d.Children and patients in critical condition 操作方法(一)、高血壓病的治療操作:頭部治療:(高血壓病治療的基本部位)操作:按照治療帽圖示放置兩個治療物理探頭(小或中號),將治療帽(圖1)戴在頭上,治療物理探頭正確壓在頭部雙側血管舒縮區(圖2圓圈是頭部高血壓穴),設置治療時間為20分鐘,緩慢調節微調使治療電流增加至患者可耐受程度,最佳治療電流為5-6.5MA, 電流達不到時可加擋位,電流最大不得超過7.5MA. OPERATION A.Treatment operation of hypertension Head treatment: basic portion of hypertension treatment Operation: Place two treatment physical probes(small or medium) in the therapy cap as Figure 1, put the therapy cap on the head with the probes correct pressing on the bilateral vasomotor of the head. Set the treatment time for 20 minutes, then slowly adjusting the fine-tuning to make the treatment current increase to the patient tolerance. The best treatment current is 5-6.5 mA, plus the stalls when current is not enough, and the current should not exceed 7.5 mA. (二)、中風偏癱的治療操作頭部治療:(中風病治療的基本部位)治療時按照治療帽圖示操作操作:按照治療帽(圖6)圖示放置兩個治療物理探頭(小號或中號),將治療帽戴在頭上,治療物理探頭正確壓在頭部雙側運動區(圖7),按照上1/5是下肢,軀干運動區。中2/5是上肢運動區,下2/5是頭面部運動區交替治療,每個運動區設置治療時間為20分鐘,緩慢調節微調使治療電流增加至患者可耐受程度,最佳治療電流為5-6.5MA, 電流達不到時可加擋位,最大不得超過7.5MA. B. Treatment operation of stroke hemiplegia Head treatment: basic portion of hypertension treatment Operation: Place two treatment physical probes(small or medium) in the therapy cap as Figure 6, put the therapy cap on the head( as Figure 7) with the probes correct pressing on the bilateral motor areas of the head to make alternative treatment,upper 1/5 is the torso movement area of the lower extremity; Middle 2/5 is motor area of the upper extremity, under 2/5 is motor area of head and face. Set the treatment time for 20 minutes, then slowly adjusting the fine-tuning to make the treatment current increase to the patient tolerance. The best treatment current is 5-6.5 mA, plus the stalls when current is not enough, and the current should not exceed 7.5 mA. 注意事項 1. 治療操作前必須認真閱讀《高能生物離子高血壓·腦中風治療儀產品說明書》。 2. 實施治療前,先用生理鹽水簡單清潔施治部位皮膚,再用物理耗材直接作用于施治部位。 3. 在治療過程中,一般不需要考慮電壓的高低,但要嚴格注意電流的變化,頭部電流用量在7.5MA以內。 4. 在治療過程中,如患者訴說有輕度的皮膚不適癥狀,需向其耐心解釋這是正常現象;如患者感覺難以忍受,則降低檔位減輕刺激的程度。部分患者被治療后,物理探頭接觸過的皮膚位置會出現過敏現象,可在治療后涂抹醫用凡士林減輕患者的不適感,并給患者適當提示以消除其顧慮。 5. 在治療過程中,如患者出現其它并發癥狀,應立即停止治療并采取合適的救濟措施處理。 Notice a. The product specification of high-energy bio-ion instrument for coronary artery disease must be read before operation. b. Clean the treatment site' skin with saline before the implementation of the treatment, then directly place the physical probes on the treatment sites c. It must strictly put attention to the change of the current, especially the head current must be within 7MA. d. It must be explained to the patients that it is a normal phenomenon if they complain the skin is a little uncomfortable during the treatment. Reduce the stalls to relieve the irritation if the patients feel unbearable. Smear medical Vaseline at the treatment sites to reduce patients’ discomfort after the treatment if patients' skin contacted with physical probes appear to allergies. And appropriately prompt patients in order to eliminate their concerns. e. Immediately stop treating and to take appropriate relief measure if patients occur other concurrent symptoms in the course of treatment. 療程安排 1.高血壓每天兩次,采用高血壓頭部治療方法每次治療20分鐘。累計六次治療后,主要癥狀有效改善的,應繼續增加療程,直到主要檢測指標改善達到有效標準可結束治療,三十天后復診跟進療效。累計十次治療未能改善主要癥狀療效或主要檢測指標的,放棄本法治療。 Treatment arrangement 1.The treatment for hypertension disease Adopting the head treatment of hypertension to make the treatment for two times a day , each time for 20 minutes. Course of treatment should be increased until the major indexes have improved to achieve effective standards if the efficacies of main symptoms have improved after six times’ treatments. Then take the re-examination and follow-up the efficacy after 30 days. Give up this treatment if it failed to improve the main symptom efficacy or major indexes after the treatment accumulated to ten times. 2.腦中風每天兩次,采用中風病頭部治療方法每次治療20分鐘。累計六次治療后,主要癥狀有效改善的,應繼續增加療程,直到主要檢測指標改善達到有效標準可結束治療,三十天后復診跟進療效。累計十次治療未能改善主要癥狀療效或主要檢測指標的,放棄本法治療。 2.The treatment for stroke disease Adopting the head treatment of stroke to make the treatment for two times a day , each time for 20 minutes. Course of treatment should be increased until the major indexes have improved to achieve effective standards if the efficacies of main symptoms have improved after six times’ treatments. Then take the re-examination and follow-up the efficacy after 30 days. Give up this treatment if it failed to improve the main symptom efficacy or major indexes after the treatment accumulated to ten times. 不良反應尚不明確。 Adverse reactions Contraindication |
會員級別:免費會員 |