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產品詳細介紹比利時伊氏錐蟲病(蘇拉病)乳膠凝集試紙卡 250份/盒
試劑盒含有完成伊氏錐蟲卡片凝集試驗檢測全過程所需全部試劑:抗原、緩沖液、陽性血清和陰性血清; 可對馬屬動物、豬、牛、羊等多種動物的血清進行檢測 Card Agglutination Test for animal Trypanosomiasis caused by T.evansi This field and laboratory test (CATT/T.evansi) is used for the serodiagnosis of animal African trypanosomiasis (T. evansi). It is a direct card agglutination test for detection of trypanosome specific antibodies in blood, serum or plasma of T.evansi in different animal species. It is currently applied for serodiagnosis of T.evansi in various host species (i.e. camels. buffaloes, equidae, dogs,…) Reagent | Freeze dried suspension of purified, fixed and stained trypanosomes of a cloned predominant Variable Antigen Type (VAT RoTat 1.2) of T.evansi. Test sample | Whole blood (for screening), plasma (on heparine or EDTA) or serum. Shelf life - expiry date | When stored under the prescribed storage conditions, all the reagents will retain their activity until the expiry date mentioned on the “Reagent” boxes and on the packing list (1 year). Storage · Freeze dried reagents (antigen, controls) : in the refrigerator(+2°C to +8°C) or in the freezer (-20°C) · CATT buffer: in the refrigerator (+2°C to +8°C) – do not freeze! · During transport, storage and handling: avoid exposure to heat and direct sunlight. · It is recommended to dispatch the reagents from a central storage centre to the field under refrigerated conditions (cold chain). Packaging Test kit containing all reagents and accessory materials + protocol. · CATT/Tev T250: 250 screening tests What else do you need? · Card Test Rotator References · C. Gutierrez, M.C. Juste, J.A. Corbera, E. Magnus, D. Verloo and J.A. Montoya (2000): Camel trypanosomosis in the Canary Islands: assessment of seroprevalence and infection rates using the card agglutination test (CATT/T.evansi) and parasite detection tests. Vet. Parasitol., 90, 155-159. · D. Verloo, E. Magnus and P. Büscher (2001): General expression of RoTat 1.2 variable antigen type in Trypanosoma evansi isolates from different origin. Vet. Parasitol., 97, 183-189. · W.G. Holland, N.G.Thanh, L.N. My, E. Magnus, D. Verloo, P. Büscher, B. Goddeeris and J. Vercruysse (2002): Evaluation of whole fresh blood and dried blood on filter paper disks in serological tests for Trypanosoma evansi in experimentally infected water buffaloes. Acta Tropica, 81, 159-165. |
會員級別:免費會員 |