上海逍熠舞臺設計有限公司 (瀏覽次數: 3929 次) |
公司性質:國營 會員級別:普通
主營產品:合唱臺、合影臺、指揮臺、看臺、桁架、舞臺、拼裝舞臺、折疊舞臺、折疊看臺 |
公司聯系方式 |
公司簡介 |
www.xiaoyistage.com 上海逍熠舞臺是一家致力于劇院、體育館、賓館、酒店、學校、企事業、部隊等舞臺、看臺、合唱臺、桁架(鋁合金燈架)的研發、生產和銷售的綜合型企業,延伸的業務有租賃服務及實景或復原設計制作演出服務,我們的生產基地位于上海嘉定。產品有:折疊舞臺、拆裝舞臺、合唱臺、合影臺、桁架、造型桁架、觀眾看臺、舞臺大幕、交響樂指揮臺等,應客戶要求,公司還提供舞臺周邊設備及配件供給,提升公司的服務增值部分,考慮到安全,公司還自主開發葫蘆及葫蘆控制器,安規避99%的硬性指標,客戶可以放心使用。公司憑借優良的信譽、卓越的服務、專業的技術及龐大的銷售網絡,在國內外已享有一定的聲譽!從而使本公司能成為國內同行業領先及專業化的銷售與服務的制造商。產品被廣泛使用到:廣告、影視、校園等文體領域。工廠內部建立質量監控部門和研發部門以及嚴格確保所有產品質量達到我們客戶的標準,作為一個完善的舞臺行業供應商,我們深深意識到客戶所關注的產品質量,合理價格,客戶需求和客戶服務,同時我們擁有專業的銷售隊伍與客戶進行商業聯系,我們會盡最大努力提供價廉物優的產品來滿足客戶100%的滿意。現我司將加大國內市場占有率,開始了國內銷售與租賃業務,滿足不同的客戶需求: 我司本著:“互利互惠、共同發展”的原則,愿與國內外客商攜手奔向未來!!!
Shanghai Xiao Yi stage is a dedicated theater, stadium, hotel, hotels, schools, enterprises and institutions, troops and other stage, stands, chorus platform, truss (aluminum alloy lamp holder) integrated enterprise R & D, production and sales, extending business leasing services and real or complex original design manufacture performance service our production base is located in Shanghai, Jiading. Products: folding stage, disassembly stage, chorus station, photo sets, truss, truss, modeling, grandstand stage curtain, podium, customer requirements, the company also provides stage peripheral equipment and accessories supply service, value-added part of the upgrade, considering the security, the company has developed the gourd and gourd controller, rigid index an avoidance of 99%, customers can be assured use. The company by virtue of good reputation, excellent service, professional skills and a huge sales network, has enjoyed a certain reputation both at home and abroad! So that the company can become the sales and service of the same industry leading and professional manufacturers. The products are widely used: advertising, film and television, sports and other areas of the campus. Established within the factory quality control and R & D department and strictly to ensure the quality of all products meet our customer's standards as a perfect stage for industry suppliers, we are deeply aware of the concerns of customers product quality, reasonable prices, customer demand and customer service, at the same time we have a professional sales team and customers to business contacts. We will do our best to provide low-cost material with excellent products to meet customer 100% satisfaction. Now I Division will increase domestic market share, domestic sales and began leasing business, to meet different customer needs: Our spirit of "mutual benefit and common development" principle, is willing to work with domestic and foreign merchants hand in hand towards the future!!! |
企業產品 |