單位簡介: 新鄉市金博通科教儀器有限公司是中國教育裝備行業協會會員單位;是河南省教育裝備行業協會會員單位;主導產品有高等院校、科研機構及中、小學教學用的植物學類、動物學類、微生物學類、組織胚胎學類、人體組織學類、胚胎學類、人體病理組織學類、醫學寄生蟲學類、細胞生物學遺傳學類、藥用植物生藥學類等系列生物玻片;解剖實驗材料、標本;塑料、木制切片盒。本廠憑雄厚的技術力量,先進的營銷理念。產品暢銷全國各地,并出口到意大利、美國、俄羅斯、日本、南韓、澳大利亞、香港等國家和地區。 “金品人生,誠信經營”是本企業的企業文化和經營理念。金博人將眾志成城,團結奮進,與您真誠合作,為教育事業做出貢獻! Unit introduction: •JinBoTong science & education instrument co., LTD in Xinxiang City is one member unit of China Educational Equipment Industry Association and one member unit of Henan Educational Equipment Industry Association. The leading products are biology micro sheet glass of botany class, zoology class, microliology class, organization embryology class, human body histo-pathology class, medicine parasite study class, cytobiology genetics class, medicinal plant pharmacognosy class, used by scientific research institutions, universities, middle schools and primary schools for teaching; dissection experiment materials and specimen; plastic or wooden slice boxes. Our factory has the abundant technology and advanced marketing idea. Our production sell well all over the country and exported to Italy, USA, Russia ,Japan, South Korea, Hong kong and some other countries and regions. “Honesty, Trustworthiness” is our management idea. We are sincerely willing to cooperate with you making contribution to the educational career!